DLG Community
Boomers are turning 80. As we hit that milestone, our risk of chronic illness, and especially dementia, increases to more than 40%.
These days it’s hard to find a physician to address the needs of elders, let alone a geriatrician, seasoned care manager, or geriatric nurse. We have all three!
Welcome to DLG Community.

Community is a place for families, caregivers and eldercare professionals to address the needs and challenges they see in their daily lives.
We provide a moderated conversation space for families and caregivers, and another for eldercare professionals to address topics that aren’t talked about much.
“Mom is still in pain, and she was given Naprosyn after her hip facture. She’s irritable and gets Ativan, so she’s always sleepy. Can’t we help her?”
We provide two online support groups per month, run by seasoned care managers, nurses, and geriatricians.
We also provide a monthly Q+ A session, Ask Dr Liz: A Geriatrician can Help, to have a geriatrician address the challenges that don’t seem to get resolved.
There are solutions. We’ve seen it all.

“Dad hasn’t been acting normally since his medications were changed. Is that a medication reaction?”
Additionally, we offer DLG Education: Training modules (with CEUs available) to address the knowledge and skills needed to care for elders and those with dementia.
Falls, Agitation, Insomnia, Parkinson’s Disease: We know which topics are important when it comes to caring for frail and vulnerable elders who can get sick quickly – or hurt because they can’t care for themselves, and don’t have safety awareness.
Our course are convenient and easy to understand. Subtitles are available in Spanish. Improve your level of care in the biggest communities, or in rural areas that have little health care support.

Join Our Community Today!
Get the support and answers you need for your eldercare journey.