
Introduction to the Course

This course introduces inflammation and leaky gut in relation to elders. Inflammation and leak gut are commonly featured in advertisements, wellness culture and on social media. This course enables learners with relevant knowledge whilst promoting a person centred approach.   

Course Audience

The audience for this course is people caring for elders. This includes family involved in the care of a loved one with dementia, and those employed in the care industry working in residential or daycare facilities. This course is also aimed at anyone who wants extra knowledge around leaky gut and inflammation.  
dr-elizabeth-landsverk-md · February 19, 2023

Course Leader

Elizabeth (Dr Liz) has over twenty years of experience in providing medical care to the elders. She is board-certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine and Palliative Care Medicine. Dr Landsverk founded ElderConsult Geriatric Medicine, a house calls practice, to address the challenging medical and behavioral issues often facing older patients and their families.

Dr Landsverk was an assistant professor of Medicine at University of California, San Francisco, an adjunct professor of Medicine at Stanford University, as well as consultant to the San Francisco Elder Abuse Forensics Center and Hospice Medical Director. She is currently the Medical Director for Silverado and Kensington Dementia Care Communities, as well as on the Scientific Panel for the Alzheimer’s Association. Dr Landsverk graduated from Stanford University, and trained at Cambridge Hospital, Harvard University, and Mt Sinai Medical School.

As a House Calls Geriatrician, she collaborates with local physicians to address the needs of complicated vulnerable elders to alleviate pain, agitation and discomfort through the utilization of geriatric and palliative care techniques.

Learning Objectives

Leaky Gut

Lesson 1 – What Goes on in the Gut?

This lesson presents the learner with an overview of the recent focus on gastrointestinal medicine. The physiology and function of the bowel and bowel/blood barrier is examined.

On completion of this lesson the learner will:

1 – Understand why there is current emphasis on gut health in the scientific community.

2 – Understand the physiology and function of the bowel, and the bowel/blood barrier. 

3 – Understand the definition of leaky gut. 


Lesson 2 – Gut Conditions to Think About. 

This lesson examines some bowel conditions such as IBD, Chrones disease and Colon cancer. Functional bowel conditions such as IBS are also discussed. The role of misinformation and fear in relation to leaky gut in the mainstream media is also examined. 

On completion of this lesson the learner will:

1 – Understand the symptoms, underlying physiology and treatments for different bowel conditions of varying severity. 

2 – Understand the importance of identifying misinformation in contrast to sound medical advice in relation to leaky gut. 

Lesson 3 – What is Healthy for the Gut?

This lesson examines lifestyle choices that can aid good health such as diet and exercise. The importance of a Mediterranean or plant based diet is identified. Specific diet and supplements for those with GI symptoms is suggested. The importance of seeing a physician with any concerns is also discussed.

On completion of this lesson the learner will:

1 – Understand how lifestyle factors can influence gut health

2 – Have knowledge around the most beneficial diets for promoting gut health

3 – Understand the importance of seeing a physician with any GI concerns. 


Lesson 4 – What affects the gut?

This lesson examines factors that can negatively impact gut health.  The effect of stress and anxiety is examined alongside other factors such as poor diet, lack of fiber, and fad diets such as Keto. The effect of drugs such as alcohol, nicotine and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is explored.

On completion of this lesson the learner will:

1 – Understand a wide range of factors that can negatively impact gut health. 


Lesson 5 – A word on advertisements

This lesson identifies the widespread nature of misinformation in the wellness market, particularly when advertising supplements. The demonization of certain food groups is also discussed. 

On completion of this lesson the learner will: 

1 – Understand the need to critically analyze advertisements and wellness information against reliable scientific information. 


Lesson 6 – Be Informed Seek the Experts

This lesson explores expert advice from scientists. The benefits of high fiber and vegetarian diet are stated in relation to gut health and blood sugars.  Recommendations for further reading are made.

On completion of this course the learner will:

1 – Understand the expert recommendation for certain diet guidelines.

2 – Be able to access further reading to expand their knowledge in this area. 


Lesson 7 – Can Exercise Help the Gut?

This lesson examines the vital role that exercise plays in maintaining and improving gut health. The difficult reality of fitting in an adequate level of exercise for people with GI symptoms is acknowledges, along with simple solutions to make exercising easier. The physiology of how exercise improves gut function is explained. 

On completion of this lesson the learner will:

1 – Understand the importance of the role of exercise in maintaining and improving gut health.

2 – Understand the barriers to exercise experiences by those with GI symptoms, and be aware of solutions to work around these. 

3 – Understand the physiology of how exercise affects gut function. 


Lesson 8 – What is Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea?

This lesson examines antibiotic associated diarrhea. Risk factors and root causes are identified. The specific bacteria that cause antibiotic associated diarrhea are examined in detail. Prophylactic probiotic use alongside antibiotics is discussed.

On completion of this lesson the learner will:

1 – Understand the causes, incidence and risk factors of antibiotic associated diarrhea.

2 – Understand which bacteria cause antibiotic associated diarrhea, and have a good understanding of the symptoms, transmission and treatment for Clostridium Difficile. 

3 – Understand the role of probiotics in preventing antibiotic associated diarrhea.


Lesson 9 – Things to Avoid with a Leaky Gut.

This lesson examines gluten and lactose in relation to leaky gut. Coeliac disease is discussed, alongside incidence of gluten intolerance. Lactose intolerance is examined, alongside acknowledgement of the growing range of dairy free products that can be consumed in order to maintain gut health in this population.

On completion of this lesson the learner will:

  1. – Understand the difference between coeliac disease and gluten intolerance, know the incidence of both and how each disorder affects the gut.
  2. – Understand the incidence and effect of lactose intolerance on the gut. 
  3. – Understand what products are available to promote gut health in people with intolerances.  


Lesson 10 – Can Supplements Cure a Leaky Gut?

This lesson examines the role of supplements to maintain and improve gut health. Supplements for overall health are discussed. The importance of sourcing information from reliable scientific studies is reiterated, with signposting to recommended resources. Further warnings around wellness misinformation and profiteering are included. The lesson is summarized with the message that supplements are not a miracle cure for health issues and should instead be viewed as a tool for health maintenance. 

On completion of this lesson the learner will:  

1 – Understand the role of supplements in maintaining general health

2 – Understand the prominence of misinformation in wellness advertising culture.

3 – Understand some resources that can be accessed for sound scientific health information. 


Lesson 11 – What Probiotics are Helpful?

This lesson discusses probiotics for gut health. Food sources of probiotic bacteria are discussed, alongside recommendations of supplemental probiotics for different health scenarios. 

On completion of this lesson the learner will

1 – Understand good dietary sources of probiotic bacteria

2 – Know which probiotic supplement is most suitable for a range of GI conditions. 


Lesson 12 – Is Miralax OK to use Every Day?

This lesson discusses Miralax for constipation. The chemical makeup of the drug is discussed alongside its action, and a caution regarding adequate fluid intake.

On completion of this lesson the learner will: 

  1. Have good background knowledge on the drug Miralax. 


Lesson 13 – How Can We Deal with Constipation?

This lesson examines different factors that can relieve constipation. Lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise are examined. Medications are also discussed, with cautions around the use of Metamucil in people with a low oral fluid intake. The use of prunes and sugar free candies to relieve constipation in elders in discussed. 

On completion of this lesson the learner will: 

1 – Have sufficient knowledge of a wide range of lifestyle, dietary and pharmacological factors that can be utilised to manage constipation, particularly in elders. 



Lesson 1 – Why is there Inflammation?

This lesson discusses background information about inflammation. Autoimmune diseases related to inflammation are examined. Diet and lifestyle factors that cause excessive inflammation are identified. 

On completion of this lesson the learner will:

1 – Understand lifestyle and dietary factors that may cause excess inflammation. 

2 – Know common autoimmune conditions related to increased inflammation, and understand the need for prompt treatment by a physician for these illnesses. 


Lesson 2 – Does Exercise Help with Inflammation?

This lesson examines the role of regular exercise in lowering inflammation. The need for enjoyable movement and activity is identified. The recommended length of time of exercise for an American adult is discussed.

On completion of this lesson the learner will:

  1. – Understand the importance of regular enjoyable exercise for reducing inflammation and general health maintenance.


Lesson 3 – Does Sugar Cause Inflammation?

This lesson identifies the need to reduce sugar for inflammatory and general health. Average daily sugar intake for American people is examined alongside the recommended daily average. Moderation is suggested as the healthiest option for most people.

On completion of this lesson the learner will:

1 – Understand the negative effects of sugar on general and inflammatory health.

  1. – Understand the overconsumption of sugar that is currently endemic within American populations.
  2. – Understand the benefits of moderation. 


Lesson 4 – Does Diet Cause Inflammation? 

This lesson examines dietary factors that may increase inflammation. Fats, dairy and red meat are identified as key factors. Saturated fat is compared against unsaturated fat in relation to different types of cholesterol and their effect on the body. 

On completion of this lesson the learner will:

1 – Be able to identify key dietary factors that increase inflammation.

2 – Understand the difference between saturated fats and unsaturated fats in relation to cholesterols and the effect on the body. 


Lesson 5 – Do Supplements help with Inflammation?

This lesson examines supplements and their role in reducing inflammation. Learners are encouraged to focus instead on dietary and lifestyle factors due to the wealth of scientific information in this area. Additional reading resources are provided. 

On completion of this lesson the learner will:

  1. – Be aware of the limited role of supplements in managing inflammation. 
  2. – Understand the key role of dietary and lifestyle factors in reducing inflammation. 

Course Content

About Instructor

+8 enrolled
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Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson
  • Course Certificate