
  • 2 Lessons


    Introduction to the Course

    This course examines agitation in people who have a diagnosis of dementia. Causes, challenges and techniques to improve agitation are discussed. Common medications used for agitation are examined, alongside discussion of any cautions or contraindications relevant to this patient group. Appropriate settings for ongoing care for elders with dementia who experience agitation is discussed.   

    Course Audience

    The audience for this course is people caring for elders with dementia. This includes family involved in the care of a loved one with dementia, and those employed in the care industry working in residential or daycare facilities.  

    Course Structure

    The course is completed through interactive e-learning which learners can access at their own pace and in their own time. The lessons consist of a series of informative and easily understood video clips from Dr Liz. These are followed by interactive and accessible learning tasks and activities containing further expansion on the subject of each video. The videos and activities cater to all learning types and create a solid knowledge base for each learning objective. Learners will be able to revisit the course after completion in order to recap knowledge as and when needed.  
  • 2 Lessons

    Chronic Pain

    Course Leader Elizabeth (Dr Liz) has over twenty years of experience in providing medical care to the elders. She is board-certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatric…
  • 1 Lesson


    Introduction to the Course

    This course examines the role of diet in relation to health. Diet and health are prominent features of western news and information shared on social media. The information is often in relation to increased incidence of obesity, heart disease, stroke and dementia. The theory of ‘blue zones’ - places where more people per capita live in good health to over 100 years of age - is examined with focus on common lifestyle factors that may contribute to this.   

    Course Audience

    The course is aimed towards groups or individuals with a personal or professional interest in maintaining good health into older age by optimizing diet. This may include those in the health and care industries, people caring for older family members, or those wishing to learn about diet in order to improve their own health.   

    Course Structure

    The course is completed through interactive e-learning which learners can access at their own pace and in their own time. The lessons consist of a series of informative and easily understood video clips from Dr Liz. These are followed by interactive and accessible learning tasks and activities containing further expansion on the subject of each video. The videos and activities cater to all learning types and create a solid knowledge base for each learning objective. Learners will be able to revisit the course after completion in order to recap knowledge as and when needed.
  • 1 Lesson

    Difficult Behaviors in Dementia

    Introduction to the Course

    This course examines difficult behaviours in dementia. Difficult behaviour is expressed by 40% of people with a diagnosis of dementia at different stages of disease progression. This course introduces learners to the different types of behaviours that may be expressed by people with a diagnosis of dementia, from depression and agitation to psychosis and aggression towards caregivers. The course enables learners to assess the root of the behaviour. Learners are then empowered to resolve behaviours using holistic, person centred care strategies and multi disciplinary teamwork.  

    Course Audience

    The audience for this course is people caring for elders with dementia. This includes family involved in the care of a loved one with dementia, and those employed in the care industry working in residential or day care facilities.
  • 1 Lesson


    Introduction to the Course

    This course introduces inflammation and leaky gut in relation to elders. Inflammation and leak gut are commonly featured in advertisements, wellness culture and on social media. This course enables learners with relevant knowledge whilst promoting a person centred approach.   

    Course Audience

    The audience for this course is people caring for elders. This includes family involved in the care of a loved one with dementia, and those employed in the care industry working in residential or daycare facilities. This course is also aimed at anyone who wants extra knowledge around leaky gut and inflammation.  
  • 1 Lesson

    Parkinsons Disease and Lewy Body Dementia

    Introduction to the Course This course examines the clinical presentations of Lewy Body Dementia, alongside comparisons and contrasts with Parkinson’s Disease with Dementia. The course provides learners with a thorough examination of different aspects of both neurodegenerative disorders. Cautions regarding medication suitability, and potential adverse effects are also identified. This course will equip learners with sufficient knowledge to understand the effects, progression and treatment of Lewy Body Dementia, in order to provide elders with personalised, holistic care.   
  • 1 Lesson

    Resolving Family Conflicts with Dementia

    Introduction to the Course 

    This course examines family conflicts that arise when an elder has a diagnosis of dementia. Common family disputes that arise when caring for family members are discussed, alongside potential solutions and resolutions. Legal and financial safeguards are explored. The course emphasizes throughout importance of putting the elder at the centre of decision-making.   

    Course Audience

    The audience for this course is people caring for elders with dementia. This includes family involved in the care of a loved one with dementia, and those employed in the care industry working in residential or day-care facilities.  

    Course Structure

    The course is completed through interactive e-learning which learners can access at their own pace and in their own time. The lessons consist of a series of informative and easily understood video clips from Dr Liz. These are followed by interactive and accessible learning tasks and activities containing further expansion on the subject of each video. The videos and activities cater to all learning types and create a solid knowledge base for each learning objective. Learners will be able to revisit the course after completion in order to recap knowledge as and when needed.

    Course Assessment

    The course will be assessed through completion of all e-learning sections, followed by a multiple choice quiz assessing knowledge from all e-learning sections. The quiz will be engineered to ensure caregivers have sufficient knowledge from all learning objectives. Learners will gain 70% of correct answers to pass the quiz, and will have 3 opportunities to take the quiz.  
  • 1 Lesson

    Risks of Financial Elder Abuse


    This course examines the risk of financial abuse to elders with and without a diagnosis of dementia. Signs of elder abuse are identified; alongside steps loved ones and caregivers can take to protect elders from becoming victim to financial abuse. Legal protections against financial elder abuse are also discussed. Financial wellbeing and independence is a key component of overall wellbeing throughout adult life. It is important that elders are protected from abuse, particularly if left more vulnerable by a diagnosis of dementia. As such, it is essential that caregivers understand their role, and the protections available to them, in order to safeguard elders in their care. There is also a part 2 to the course – ‘mom’s not paying her bills so now what’, outlining practical realities of financial elder abuse through a series of short videos and equipping learners with real world knowledge of how to deal with challenges in this area. 

    Course Audience

    The audience for this course is people caring for elders with dementia. This includes family involved in the care of a loved one with dementia, and those employed in the care industry working in residential or daycare facilities.
  • 1 Lesson

    The Difficult Discharge: How to Navigate

    Introduction to the Course

    This course examines difficult and challenging behaviors that are often displayed by people with a diagnosis of dementia, and how these behaviors can often result in delayed or difficult discharge from hospital. The most common behaviors are explored in detail, alongside discussions surrounding common causes and triggers for these behaviors. Appropriate and inappropriate techniques for management and avoidance of these behaviors are explored in detail. Learners are also presented with a case study to apply knowledge to a real life scenario. On completion of the dementia webinar learners will have sufficient knowledge to identify and examine care goals, determine successful discharge environments, determine the most appropriate care team to support the elder and identify medical issues that can negatively affect outcomes.    

    Course Audience

    The audience for this course is people caring for elders with dementia. This includes family involved in the care of a loved one with dementia, and those employed in the care industry working in residential or daycare facilities.
  • 1 Lesson

    The Other Drugs: Caffeine and Alcohol

    Introduction to the Course

    This course examines the use of alcohol and caffeine in relation to people living with dementia. Both alcohol and caffeine are prominent features of everyday life for many elders pre- dementia. It is important for caregivers to understand the effects of alcohol and caffeine, whilst maintaining quality of life for the elder. This course enables caregivers with relevant knowledge whilst promoting a person centred approach.

    Course Audience

    The audience for this course is people caring for elders with dementia. This includes family involved in the care of a loved one with dementia, and those employed in the care industry working in residential or daycare facilities.  
  • 2 Lessons

    Vision: How to Protect Your Eyes

    Introduction to the Course

    This course assesses the importance of maintaining good vision into old age. The negative effect of poor vision on function and quality of life is discussed; alongside examination of the main eye complaints experienced by elders. Lifestyle causes for these main eye conditions are identified, alongside suggestions of lifestyle changes that can prolong good visual health.

    Course Audience

    The audience for this course is people caring for elders. This includes family involved in the care of a loved one, and those employed in the care industry working in residential or day-care facilities. Members of the general public interested in caring for their own health whilst aging are also a potential audience.