Geriatrics Webinars

Geriatric education and training has never been easier. Get access to 100+ webinars in the form of single sale and membership packages. 


With only 3500 practicing geriatricians serving more than 59 million people over 65 in the United States, Dr Liz feels a sacred duty to educate elders and those tasked to care for elders. Dr Liz Geriatrics is an education and advisory organization, providing effective, interesting, (and sometimes entertaining) knowledge to those on the front line caring for elders.

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Family Caregivers

Other than the elder themselves, you are the person closest to the aging process. Spouses, partners, sons and daughters. Nephews and nieces, family friends.

Healthcare Professionals

You might completely specialize in eldercare, or it might be a small (but important) part of your practice. Accred: NASW/NACCM/CA Nursing Board

Legal Professionals

The legal web around an elder includes the guardian, fiduciary, estate professional, and other lawyers. Accred: Center for Guardianship Certification/CA Professional Fiduciaries Bureau.

Reach Out to Us

We are always open to here about your thoughts and ready to assist you. 

650-357-8834 x1

1633 Bayshore Highway, Suite 245
Burlingame, CA 94010
Email: [email protected]

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