This course examines the use of alcohol and caffeine in relation to people living with dementia. Both alcohol and caffeine are prominent features of everyday life for many elders pre- dementia. It is important for caregivers to understand the effects of alcohol and caffeine, whilst maintaining quality of life for the elder. This course enables caregivers with relevant knowledge whilst promoting a person centered approach.
Course Audience:
The audience for this course is people caring for elders with dementia. This includes family involved in the care of a loved one with dementia, and those employed in the care industry working in residential or daycare facilities.
Course Structure:
The course is completed through interactive e-learning which learners can access at their own pace and in their own time. The lessons consist of a series of informative and easily understood video clips from Dr Liz. These are followed by interactive and accessible learning tasks and activities containing further expansion on the subject of each video. The videos and activities cater to all learning types and create a solid knowledge base for each learning objective. Learners will be able to revisit the course after completion in order to recap knowledge as and when needed.
Course Assessment:
The course will be assessed through completion of all e-learning sections, followed by a multiple choice quiz assessing knowledge from all e-learning sections. The quiz will be engineered to ensure caregivers have sufficient knowledge from all learning objectives. Learners will gain 70% of correct answers to pass the quiz, and will have 3 opportunities to take the quiz.
Course Outline
Lesson 1 – Alcohol and Dementia
This lesson presents the learner with common assumptions often made in the media regarding suggested health benefits of alcohol. The effects of alcohol on elders are examined, alongside assessment of the reliability of studies suggesting health benefits of alcohol.
On completion of this lesson the learner will:
- Have sufficient knowledge to identify the effects of alcohol on elders.
- Be aware of commonly suggested health benefits of alcohol presented in mainstream media.
- Be aware of issues of reliability in studies reporting health benefits of alcohol.
Lesson 2 – Effects of Alcohol on the Brain and Body
This lesson examines the effects of alcohol on different areas of the brain, and on different systems of the body using interactive tools and activities.
On completion of this lesson the learner will:
- Be able to identify different areas of the brain, the function of each area, and the effect of alcohol on specific areas of the brain and central nervous system
- Be able to identify different organ systems and the effect of alcohol on each specific system
Lesson 3 – Alcohol and Electrolytes
This lesson examines the role of alcohol in relation to electrolyte balance in the body, and the potential effects of electrolyte imbalance on the cardiovascular and renal systems.
On completion of this lesson the learner will:
- Have sufficient knowledge to identify the role of alcohol in electrolyte imbalance
- Be aware of the potential effect of electrolyte imbalance on the cardiovascular and renal systems
Lesson 4 – Alcohol and Falls
This lesson discusses the relationship between alcohol and falls, and the effect of falls on elders
On completion of this lesson the learner will:
- Be aware of the risks to elders from falls, and the physical effects that falls may have on the body
- Be able to identify the role of alcohol in increasing the danger of falls in elders with dementia.
Lesson 5 – Alcohol and Early Dementia
This lesson assesses the relationship between alcohol use and early dementia. The role of caregivers in risk assessment related to alcohol and driving vehicles is also discussed.
On completion of this lesson the learner will:
- Understand the increased risks posed by consumption of alcohol by those with dementia.
- Understand the role of caregivers in risk assessing the safety of elders and the potential need for intervention in unsafe scenarios.
- Be aware of the potential correlation between alcohol consumption and the onset of dementia, and the scientific evidence for this correlation.
Lesson 6 – Dementia No-No’s: Caffeine and Alcohol
This lesson examines the overall effects of caffeine and alcohol on people with dementia, and any particular cautions caregivers need to be aware of. Strategies for reduction of consumption whilst maintaining quality of life for the elder are also discussed.
On completion of the lesson the learner will:
- Have further understanding of specific risks to elders from alcohol and caffeine consumption.
- Have ideas for strategies to mitigate the risk of alcohol and caffeine consumption, whilst maintaining quality of life.
Lesson 7 – Alcohol and Sleeping Medications
This lesson discusses the potentially dangerous consequences of consuming alcohol whilst taking sleeping medications
On completion of this lesson the learner will:
- Have a clear understanding of the severity of risk related to mixing sleeping medications with alcohol consumption
- Be able to identify the signs and symptoms of adverse effects to the elders resulting from consumption of alcohol alongside sleeping medications.
Lesson 8 – Alcohol and the Liver
This lesson identifies the effects of alcohol on the liver.
On completion of this lesson the learner will:
- Be able to identify the key effects of alcohol on liver health.